Why God? Why This Suffering?
Let’s face it. Many of us have questions about God and the COVID pandemic. Why isn’t God stopping the virus? Why would God let this happen? Why did God even create such a virus? There are other questions I have heard as well.
Questions, Thoughts, and Feelings Are Normal
I want you to know that it is normal and understandable if you have such questions, or even are mad at God. I encourage you to look at the Psalms for guidance and instruction. The Psalms are filled with laments questioning God for allowing evil to exist and persist. The Psalms unashamedly profess profound anger and angst directed at God. I take away two messages from the presence of the Psalms in our Holy Scripture. First, God is big enough to handle your anger, your despair, your questioning. Second, the fact that the Psalms found their way into Holy Scripture suggests to me that it is OK to question God. David complained to, and raged at God, and he was described as a friend of God.
I would also point out, even when a Psalm professes profound anger directed toward God, or absolute despair, the Psalmist always ends by declaring a faith in God and God’s justice. And, let us not forget the message of the Book of Revelation; God wins.
Some have asked me why God is causing so much suffering. My answer in short is…God isn’t causing this.
My Thoughts On Suffering
I cannot remember if I have shared this in the past, but here is my thoughts on suffering and God’s role.
- Suffering is not God’s desire for us but occurs in the process of life. Indeed, God’s plans for us are for good, and not for evil. C.S. Lewis said once, we were created for joy. I deeply believe that.
- Suffering is not given to us by God in order to teach us something, but through it we learn.
- Suffering is not given to us by God so we may teach others something, but through it others may learn.
- Suffering is not given by God to punish, but it is sometimes the consequence of sin or poor judgement, or the natural process of life.
- Suffering does not occur because our faith is weak, but through it our faith may be strengthened.
- God does not depend on human suffering to achieve God’s purposes, but through suffering God’s purposes are sometimes achieved.
- Suffering is not always to be avoided at all costs but it is sometimes chosen.
- Suffering can either destroy us or add meaning to life.
- Tomorrow is not something God promises.
COVID is not the response of an angry God trying to teach us a lesson. But through the COVID crises God can teach us. Through crisis we can learn about ourselves.
I pray daily for your health and peace.
Pastor Hoyt