When You Thought You Couldn’t – You Really Did – 2020 Reflections
What a year 2020 was – one most of us will be glad to say goodbye to! I want to take a moment to celebrate a few things about 2020 and how you, as a church, responded to the challenges of this year.
2020 has been a long and challenging year. It started off with the usual excitement for a new year. I challenged you to “Walk with God.” Do you remember the challenges I laid out for you?
· Worship together each week, and pray 5 times a day
· Open your Bible and read it. Start with 5 verses a day in a Gospel, and shoot for 5 chapters a week.
· Engage in five special acts of generosity each month.
· Perform five intentional acts of kindness each week.
· Share your faith with 5 people this year.
Have you been keeping up these spiritual disciplines?
And then the world changed.
February 29 (this was a “leap year”) marked the first death of an American from complications related to COVID-19 and two weeks later the President declared a State of Emergency. Virtually every gathering with more than 10 people shut down. Schools, businesses and churches went online. We learned a new phrase, social distance. We all learned to Zoom. And fear seized many.
But, you responded to this by giving yourselves to serve others. You made masks for others. Created and shared “Caring Cups” for first responders, made socially distant visits to celebrate birthdays. You donated food to shelters, and shopped for those who were not able to get out. You made phone calls and sent cards. You made special efforts to keep our church family connected. One group of women set up a text message chat. Small groups met virtually or in people’s homes.
We held monthly blood-drives in the midst of the pandemic, and despite the challenges, you showed up in force giving blood and ensuring an ample blood supply for our community. Through your generosity we provided almost $7,500 in financial support to our community through the Pastor’s Fund.
Beginning on Palm Sunday we moved worship on-line. Our services moved to Facebook, something I had resisted, but suddenly we found we were reaching people who had never considered finding us online or coming in person. We saw worship attendance more than double as people were looking for encouragement and hope. Some of our on-line friends have made their way to the in-person services. While weddings and funerals were limited to few people, we began live streaming them so people across the country could participate in these holy moments. We all learned to share Holy Communion online. We offered on-line Bible studies. Through the efforts of our talented and dedicated tech team what began as a video shot on my phone in my basement we know offer a high quality, four camera live stream worship service. Even when all restrictions are lifted and fear of spreading COVID abates we will continue to offer worship on-line.
We worried about how our congregation would give since we were not passing an offering plate – but you were faithful and many of you took advantage of our recently introduced e-giving options.
To connect with our youngest members from March until September we offered Bible Stories with Pastor Hoyt three times a week. While designed for the young, it turns out many adults were faithful viewers of the Bible Stories. We also offered an on-line VBS.
In October in the heat of a polarizing election we found our focus on Love Your Neighbor and encouraged our community to pray for our nation.
Advent found us focusing on the meaning of the Incarnation and the titles used to describe Jesus. We continued our Toys for Tots and Angel Tree ministry, made special offerings for the food pantry and supported our Pastor’s Fund. While socially distant we still found ways to celebrate Advent together with our Advent Kits. We delivered hand-made wood activity boxes to our youngest members as a reminder of our love for them.
In the midst of a pandemic, protests over racial injustice, and a polarizing time for our country, you were the church, you served hope to more people, provided aid and support for more people, and shared the light of Christ with more people, than you’ve ever done before. I’m so proud of the ways you lived, loved and gave this year. I am proud to be your pastor.
Finally, Sandy and I thank you for all the gifts you showered on us this Christmas season. We wish you a Happy New Year and look forward to our continued ministry with you.
Pastor Hoyt