What Is Peace?
Shared by Pastor Hoyt.
May 2020
Prelude to conversation…
Peace is not the absence of war (conflict).
Peace is the awareness of the presence of God.
War … conflict… does not put us out of touch with peace.
Not noticing God puts us out of touch with peace.
When we are absorbed with COVID, or with what the news says, or the lousy weather, or politics, or the behavior of the president, we are missing the wonders of life which surround us all the time. We become focused on our anxiety, our worry, the lack of sunshine/warmth, our mistrust of others, our anger and then we miss out on wholeness, on peace.
When we constantly and continually live in the presence of God…we become aware of the delights of life. Like listening to our favorite type of music or our favorite song, being aware of the delights of life, being aware of God, allows a right attitude, a calm assurance, a refreshing hope. When we are aware that we are in God’s presence all the time…anxiety, worry, selfishness, anger and general negativity take a back seat and can, with constant awareness of God’s presence, be left behind.
Peace is Shalom. Shalom is wholeness, holiness, health and home. It is joy in sorrow…hope in despair…community (life as God hopes)…forgiveness and generosity of all …toward all.
Peace is found only in the presence of God. So if peace is what we long for, in this or any time, we should hang out with God. We should spend time becoming aware of God’s presence in us and around us all the time.
Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything what so ever, even if your whole world seems upset.
St. Francis de Sales
God is with us! Peace is possible!
May it be so!
Pastor Ted Anderson