Truths That I Know
Here is what I know! Are you ready?
After all my years of formal education, and the countless non-formal learning opportunities, you would think that my list would be quite long, but it isn’t. Let me share the five greatest truths I know.
Five Greatest Truths
- I know if you say “Come by here God, come by here,” God will come. God will answer any invitation to come. At the time, you may not know what you are really asking. But the truth is, God loves us and wants to have a relationship with us. So, God will respond to any invitation to “come by here.”
- I know there is grace and forgiveness, mercy and healing through the blood of Jesus. We are all very quick to lay claim to the grace offered to us through Christ. Grace is so amazing, isn’t it? But, we are so quick to claim that grace that I think we lose sight of the price of that grace, Jesus’ blood.
- I know each of us is faced with a decision so profound that it has eternal significance. “Which Jesus Do You Follow?” There are so many different visions of Jesus out there. Do you follow the Jesus who spent time with thieves, prostitutes and liars? Or, do you follow a Jesus who had clean feet, and dined with polite company? Is the Jesus you follow one who hangs on a cross, or one who has blond hair and blue eyes?
- I know God can make beauty from dust. We are fallen people who live in a fallen world. Yet, God can take the everyday stuff of our lives, and make something beautiful. God can make beautiful things from dust, and us.
- I know Jesus is living. How do I know? Because I have seen what he has done with me. And, I have seen Jesus alive in many of you as well.
My Life Shaped
There are many more things that I could share, but these five greatest truths have shaped my life. And, I hope they will form your life as well.
What is it that you know? What are the truths at the bedrock of your life? I would love to hear from you. I would love to see you this week in church, a place where all ages can grow in love and knowledge of Jesus Christ. And as we grow, we will find opportunities to serve.
Truth from God’s Word, The Bible
John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.