Sabbath – A Day Set Aside for Rest and Worship
God demonstrated the importance of the Sabbath when God rested …that is, took a Sabbath… on the seventh day of creation.
That probably should be enough for us to consider Sabbath essential for life.
Seems like we don’t get it… so God puts honoring the Sabbath into the top four of the top 10. This makes it more than a story…it makes it one of God’s commands.
God’s commands…that probably should be enough for us to pay attention to Sabbath. Hum….
Sabbath is a weekly break from the normal. It is a day to take a step away from “normal” life and to settle into the presence of God. It is a weekly retreat. A weekly time of refreshment and renewal. Sabbath is essential for the life God hopes we live.
The season of Lent…and for that matter…every season…is like a Sabbath season. A time to come into God’s presence. A time to step aside from daily life and into God’s presence. Lent is a time to seek forgiveness, guidance and peace. Lent is a time to re-acquaint ourselves with God’s hopes for our lives.
We often advocate for the importance of Sabbath and Lent. Do we practice Sabbath and Lent? Do we honor the Sabbath and Lent through our participation in the stepping aside and coming into the presence of God?
COVID has forced us out of the normal. Mostly we have been uncomfortable with this COVID-forced out of the normal. Mostly we have been longing for the normal. But maybe this out of the normal benefits our Lenten and Sabbath observance. Maybe we should embrace this COVID time as a time when …already out of the normal…we can claim Sabbath and Lenten practices for our own.
Rev. Ted Anderson