Time To Re-Imagine Church
Back when the COVID crisis began I wrote to you multiple times a week. But not so much lately, and I have wondered about that. Why is that the case?
COVID Fatigue
I am sure that COVID fatigue is a part of it. What more is there to say that has not already been said? I feel as if I am fresh out of words. Imagine that, a preacher fresh out of words! The second reason is I may be so used to this “new normal” that it is no longer novel. Both are at work here I am sure.
As time goes on the danger is we will grow complacent in our response to a new global reality. In this new reality, what once worked as “church” is no longer possible. People have become fond of saying how remarkable it is the Church so quickly responded and went to virtual church worship services. It is true we, and thousands of other churches, made the move to online worship experiences quickly. But, have we been as quick to establish new practices and ways of being the Church outside of worship? While worship may have gone virtual, the Church must be in the world, for the world. The church is not meant to be virtual. The church is meant to act as the body of Christ IN the world, not the internet.
Things Are Different
There is a reality we must accept. Things are different. Yes, we are having to worship in a different manner. No singing, no touching, social distancing, keeping attendance, and so on. Here is the hard truth… we must move beyond focusing on what has changed. Here is another truth, things will never be the same. Let’s move beyond lamenting the past, and move forward with how we can do the work of the Church in new and fresh ways. The Jews exiled in Babylon wondered how to sing the old songs in a foreign land. Sounds like our current experience.
Time To Re-Imagine The Church
Finally, let us keep in mind that while the manner in which we engage in public worship has changed, the reason for worship has not changed. We worship to acknowledge God’s majesty, acknowledge Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf, and offer ourselves to God in praise and service. Worship has never really been about us, it is about God. The true source of our connection as a church is Christ. We need to stop focusing on what has changed, and instead focus on new ways of offering praise and worship to the God who has so abundantly given to us.
We have an opportunity to reimagine church. It seems to me we ought to use COVID time to do a thorough reimagining of what it means in this day and age to be church.
Recall the words of Jeremiah to the people in exile. He told them “you are not going back for a while, maybe a long while. So, in the meantime, build homes, settle in, marry your children, work for the good of the place you are now living in.
So, I ask you, what are the ways we can ensure that our church is not a virtual church? What are new and fresh ways to be the Church in a new reality? I invite you to share your specific ideas with me.
Pastor Hoyt