Pastor Hoyt provides the following list of links to Bible study resources and online resources to encourage your spiritual growth. Some links even have the option of an app that can be downloaded to your phone or tablet. Looking for something more specific or a particular type of study? Pastor Hoyt has many resources and suggestions, give him a call, 585-346-3511.
Group studies are a great way to grow your faith. Consider joining a weekly or semi-weekly small group that offers Bible study, fellowship, worship, service and outreach. For opportunities for children and youth to grow their faith, check out opportunities for children and youth.
Stimulating Your Thinking:
Transforming Mission Blog. Pastor Hoyt comments, “This blog is always stimulating and gives you much to think about.”
Online Bible Study Resources:
- Bible Gateway. Excellent on-line Bible with study helps.
- Bible Study Tools
- One year reading plans from Back to the Bible.
Recommended Study Bible
Pastor Hoyt recommends the CEB (Common English Bible ) Study Bible. It is easy to understand and very readable. In addition, it is filled with many aids to deepen your study of the Bible.
Church Library
UMCL has a library of books and resources for all ages. The stacks are along the wall in the “greeting area.” Books can be signed out following the instructions posted on the book shelf. Sign out a book for yourself and your children. Grow your faith and knowledge in God by reading a book this week.
- UMCL Lending Library
- Guidelines for borrowing books from the church library.
Proposed Split in the United Methodist Church
The United Methodist Church has announced a plan to split as a result of “fundamental differences” over same-sex marriage. On January 22, Pastor Hoyt held an informational meeting to present what is known at this time and to answer questions based on what is known at this time. The proposed split will be voted on the first week in May 2020 at the United Methodist Church General Conference.
The process of developing Protocol of Reconciliation and Grace Through Separation was guided by Kenneth Feinberg, an internationally recognized mediator.
Summary: Protocol of Reconciliation and Grace Through Separation.
Complete document: Protocol of Reconciliation and Grace Through Separation.
Audio of the January 22 informational meeting.