Our children and youth are very important to us. United Methodist Church of Livonia has great programs for kids and teens, including youth group. We utilize music and creative lessons that teach Christian values and God’s love. In a safe and comfortable place where they feel welcome and loved, children and youth have the opportunity to get connected, get involved, and to deepen their faith in Christ.
Sunday School and Junior Church have been temporarily suspended due to COVID. Children and Youth are welcome to join us in our worship service following COVID Protocol. When COVID restrictions are relaxed, we hope to resume Sunday School.
During this time of COVID restrictions here are online Family Bible Resources that can be done at home:
- Creative Bible Study – Helping families connect God’s word to everyday lives. link
- You Version – The Bible app and the Bible app for kids, download to a cell phone or tablet for easy access. Find on Google Play (android) or
UMCL Youth Program
Youth Group is meeting – Grades 7-12: Sunday Evenings 6 – 7:15 PM (church foyer)
The youth group program may vary from week to week, but will include Bible based Christian lessons and activities. All youth in grades 7-12 are invited to join at any time and do not need to be a member of UMCL or a regular attender at UMCL. As COVID restrictions relax, there will be other activities and ministry opportunities.
To comply with CDC and NYS COVID regulations, masks and social distancing are required.
Meet Youth Group Leader: John Sciera
John has had an extensive career working with young people, kindergarten through college. John is a retired physical education teacher and taught in the Geneseo Central School District for over 30 years, mostly at the elementary level. During that time he coached high school football and lacrosse, a good bit of that in the Livonia School District. He is responsible for starting the lacrosse program at Livonia. He also coached lacrosse for 11 years at SUNY Geneseo. Currently John is the head lacrosse coach for the Livonia – Avon Lakers and he is coaching with The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA).
John loves the Lord and loves sharing his faith with young people, especially through interaction in sports and life in general.
Questions about Youth Group? Email John Sciera
Tune in to all of the Youth Group News and Events on the UMCL Youth Group Facebook Group page.
Youth Group Ministry and Social Activities have included (prior to COVID):
- Flower City Work Camp, an inter-denominational ministry outreach to needy areas in Rochester, NY
- Kingdom Bound Summer Festival at Darien Lake, NY
- Other ministry outreaches in our community and beyond.
UMCL Youth Busy with Outreach to Community and Beyond
Prior to the pandemic, our UMCL children and youth not only enjoy mission projects, but learn a lot about the joy of helping others.
In 2019 into 2020 the children will continued to focus on missions with a monthly mission project. Starting off the (school) year the children collected pencils, notebooks, crayons, markers, small toys, socks, cups, and more to fill as many boxes as possible for Operation Christmas Child. Read more on Operation Christmas Child.
Mission outreach projects by UMCL children and youth included:
- Heifer Project – money collected provides an animal or animals, plus education in animal care and farming in third world countries.
- Operation Christmas Child – Samaritan’s Purse
Souper Bowl of Caring – January 11 – February 7, 2021 – Tackle Hunger has raised over $163 million for local hunger relief in the US so far…let’s get UMCL on the Tackle Hunger map!!!!!! Our goal for 2021 is 100 food items.
- Food Pantry collections
- Button Buddies
Vacation Bible School
2020 VBS was a four-day online virtual VBS called “Jesus & Me, Choose Kind.” Taught by Pastor Hoyt, each episode of 12 – 17 minutes covered a Bible story, application, and even a suggested craft using materials found around the house.
Check out the episodes below and see how we can show others the same kindness Jesus showed to people in his day.
In normal years, VBS is a FREE summer, week-long program for children that combines an exciting Bible based program with singing, activities, crafts, and snacks.
August 2019 VBS ministered to over 70 kids with the theme “To Mars and Beyond?”
2019 Vacation Bible School