What is going on at United Methodist Church of Livonia? Photos tell a story better than words. These photo galleries will give you a feeling for how our church family worships, connects and has fun. Join us.
UMCL Photo Galleries
2020 Fun, Fellowship, Service and Missions
Palm Sunday – April 5 – UMCL Parade through the streets of Livonia proclaiming our faith and that Jesus is Lord of our lives. Keeping our “social distance” as we must during this time, but letting our friends, neighbors, and community know we find hope in Jesus.
Flash Mob of neighbors and UMCL friends gather to wish Joan L a Happy 90th Birthday, March 29.
Dress A Girl Ministry – March 14, 2020
Progressive Dinner – February 29, 2020
2019 Fun, Fellowship, Service and Missions
Christmas 2019
New Jersey Youth Group visits UMCL Youth Group
Vacation Bible School – August 5-9
Easter Sunday – Egg Hunt, Easter Service and Baptism/Confirmation – April 21
Progressive Dinner – February 9
Souper Bowl of Caring, 116 Food Items, $262 raised for our local Food Pantry.
Mission Trip to Puerto Rico – January 19-26
Sunday Service – Traditional Worship at 9 AM
Sunday Service – Contemporary Worship at 10:30