Jesus Comes and Comes Again – December 14th
Revelation 19:11-16
Christ defeats the beast
11 Then I saw heaven opened, and there was a white horse. Its rider was called Faithful and True, and he judges and makes war justly.
12 His eyes were like a fiery flame, and on his head were many royal crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself.
13 He wore a robe dyed with blood, and his name was called the Word of God.
14 Heaven’s armies, wearing fine linen that was white and pure, were following him on white horses.
15 From his mouth comes a sharp sword that he will use to strike down the nations. He is the one who will rule them with an iron rod. And he is the one who will trample the winepress of the Almighty God’s passionate anger.
16 He has a name written on his robe and on his thigh: King of kings and Lord of lords.
During December we remember and wait with expectation for the advent of the baby Jesus, the long expected savior of the world. Advent means arrival, appearance or coming. The four weeks preceding Christmas, the Advent season, are the time to prepare our heart as we focus on the real meaning of Christmas, the first coming of Jesus. How awesome that the God of heaven came to earth as a baby. Old Testament prophesies fore-told of the miraculous virgin birth and his humble beginning here on earth and even detailed his human family’s lineage and place of birth.
At the first Advent Jesus came as a baby, he lived as a human experiencing all of the same emotions that we experience, yet he lived a sinless life. It is only through his sacrificial death on the cross that his “life” and purpose is complete. Christmas is not complete without the cross. It is only through his sacrifice that we can have eternal life. Without this first advent, we have no hope. Jesus is our hope and our way to eternal life in the presence of our God.
We are told in these verses in Revelation to expect a second advent (coming) when Jesus return as a judge and with justice to trample Satan once and for all. The cycle will then be complete. The perfect world created by God (Genesis) was altered by the deceiver (Satan in the form of a serpent). Sin entered the world. Jesus came as the baby (savior) to give every person a way back to fellowship with God (Jesus’ death on the cross). The final chapter in the story is God’s justice in stamping out evil and striking down Satan (Revelation).
Born into the human world, God came down, lived among us and died to give us life. Jesus is our King of kings and our Lord of Lords. Praise God.
Thank you, father God, that you cared enough for me to provide a way for me to have fellowship with you in spite of sin in the world and my sins. Thank you for sending part of yourself to earth as a baby and as a sacrifice to pay for my sins. Thank you that your justice reigns and is complete. You are King of kings and Lord of lords. Thank you for providing a way for me to have fellowship with you, the perfect, sinless God of the universe. Amen.
Joyce Blowers