Invitations and Obligations – December 17th
As part of preparing to build our current building, we ran a 3 year capital campaign to raise funds. During that campaign I was part of a team that sent monthly letters to the congregation to report progress and encourage continued giving to the campaign. The last year, December’s letter was due and I was pacing in the kitchen, thinking “What can I write about?” “Write about invitations” was the answer. I guess some prayers are answered even when we don’t realize we are praying. This is the gist of that letter, as best as I remember.
Invitations are wonderful. Most everyone wants to be invited to Christmas gatherings of friends and family. We accept the invitation with a smile and excitement. And then we realize that the invitation has turned into an obligation. It’s an obligation to show up, participate, maybe even bring food or a gift to share. Invitation is an exciting word; Obligation doesn’t always feel that way. But can it?
Following Jesus is like this. We have accepted his great invitation to follow him. Are we ready for the obligation that comes with that invitation? As Methodist members we vow to uphold our church family with our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness. Those are the obligations that we accept with the invitation. Do we feel the excitement and gratitude to be invited, to be included in following Jesus? Do we feel the same excitement and gratitude to be so blessed that the obligation is a joy and an opportunity for us?
This year, the Christmas invitations are likely to be fewer and gatherings smaller, but God’s invitation is a grand as ever. May we all have a Blessed Christmas that we greet with joy and gratitude.
Darcy Young