In Those Days . . – December 15th
Luke 2:1-5
In those days Caesar Augustus declared that everyone throughout the empire should be enrolled in the tax lists. 2 This first enrollment occurred when Quirinius governed Syria. 3 Everyone went to their own cities to be enrolled. 4 Since Joseph belonged to David’s house and family line, he went up from the city of Nazareth in Galilee to David’s city, called Bethlehem, in Judea. 5 He went to be enrolled together with Mary, who was promised to him in marriage and who was pregnant.
At the start of the Christmas story, Joseph believes that Mary has been unfaithful to him, and he initially plans to divorce from her. Matthew tells us an angel appears and tells Joseph to stay. God has a role in the Christmas story for Joseph. He wants Joseph to say with Mary and help her raise the child, the Messiah. God’s plans for Joseph are bigger than he can imagine at this moment. We can imagine this wasn’t an easy decision for Joseph – gossip and shame would have followed the young couple everywhere. But Joseph was faithful to this calling from God.
Is God calling me to do something difficult? How can I be faithful to the work he wants me to do? What is one step I can take to be obedient to God’s call?
Robin Bedson