UMCL, United Methodist Church of Livonia, is located at 21 Summers Street, Livonia.
We are the large modern building set back from the street. The building is fully handicap accessible with plenty of parking. (see map in the footer)
What should I expect at UMCL?
UMCL, United Methodist Church of Livonia, is a group of people from Livonia and surrounding towns. They come from all walks of life and even have different worship preferences, but are bound together in a love of Christ and a commitment to build disciples and change the world.
In-person worship resumed June 21, 2020 with reduced capacity and following the state guidelines for group gatherings. Worship includes a variety of music types that include the praise team singing contemporary worship music, special music, such as solos and duets, and music played on the piano and pipe organ. Congregational singing is not currently allowed under the state guidelines.
What time is worship?
In-person worship at 9AM, or join our live online service on our Facebook page.
Where should I park?
There is ample parking on the church property in the front, at the side and behind the church.
What do I wear?
Please, come dressed in a way that makes you feel comfortable. You will find people with all styles of dress from the very casual to more traditional “church” clothes.
What about my children?
Unfortunately, due to the current state guidelines, the nursery is not open and the regular children and youth programs are not meeting. Due to COVID restrictions, it is unknown when our children’s programs will resume. Children, however, are always welcome in the worship service.
Children are very important to us and are always welcome to join us in worship. Please know that children are never considered a disruption.
Youth, grades 7-12 meet weekly, Sunday evening at 6 – 7:15PM in the church Gathering Area. Read more.
How do I connect with others?
We offer many opportunities for adults, children, and youth to connect with others, both at church and during the week. Click to learn more.