To Dream The American Dream
Prelude to conversation…
to dream… the American dream…
We are created equal in our Creator’s eyes and endowed with certain unalienable rights like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…thus begins the American dream.
Dreaming does not make it so. Those who dream of competing in the Olympics work hard to
realize their dream. Perhaps they are gifted with athletic ability…but to make the Olympics will take more than that…it will take discipline, determination and hard work.
Dreaming does not make it so. Those who dream of performing at Carnegie Hall work hard to
realize their dream. Perhaps they are gifted with musical ability…but to perform in Carnegie Hall will take more than that … it will take hours of practice, discipline, determination and hard work.
That which makes the American dream a possibility is a level playing field…an equal start.
When this occurs…with discipline, determination and hard work dreams can be realized.
The accomplishment of a dream is not just handed out. Dreams are accomplished through perseverance, dedication and hard work.
The hope of the American dream/experiment was that the experience would be able to create or allow for an equal start. Unfortunately, the American experiment has created an un-level playing field and an un-equal start for many people.
Just like any dream, the American dream takes determination and hard work to accomplish.
Since part of that dream is an equal opportunity for everyone…it will take discipline, determination, perseverance, dedication and hard work from all of us to assure equality for all of us. Perhaps some of us have gotten lazy as our dreams came true…but the American dream is for everyone’s dreams to come true. The American dream is for all of us to work hard to establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. Yes!
Let’s do this!
This dream will take HARD WORK to realize. But, in light of all the other possibilities …is there a better society/community/country dream anywhere?
This Fourth of July let’s celebrate the American dream by committing ourselves to the dream.
This Fourth of July let’s dedicate ourselves to the hard work of realizing the American dream…
for all.
May it be so!
-Rev. Ted Anderson