Christmas Story Quiz – December 25th
Spreading The Love of Jesus
Answer the following questions without opening your Bible.
Jesus was born
- at night
- in the morning
- at an unknown time
Jesus was born
- in a stable
- in a manger
- at an unknown place
The shepherds found Jesus
- in a stable
- in a feed bin
- in a house
The Magi found Jesus
- in a stable
- in a feed bin
- in a house
- sang a beautiful song
- terrified farmworkers
- told the wise men to go home another way
A star
- appeared on the night of Jesus’ birth
- guided shepherds to the manger
- led the Magi westward
The animals mentioned at the manger included
- oxen, donkey, sheep, cows, doves
- pigs, lobsters, shrimp
- none of the above
When the shepherds arrived, Jesus was
- asleep on the hay
- wrapped like a mummy
- not crying
The posture of the shepherds when the angel appeared was
- seated on the ground
- lying in the fields
- not mentioned
Now, check your answers in your Bible!
We appreciate the many persons who contributed their thoughts and energy to this Advent devotional.