Most . . .But Some . . . . Accountability and Forgiveness
June 2020
Prelude to conversation…
OK… People (and by that I mean all of us…every person…ALL people) do not always behave/act
in a good/beneficial/loving way. We sometimes act in ways which are selfish, hurtful,
destructive, and thoughtless. Though we attempt goodness most of the time… we too often do
bad things. All of us.
Having said that…
Most of the time, most people attempt to behave in a good way. We all want joy, we all love our
children, we all long for peace on earth. Sometimes some people act in harmful ways.
Most priests/pastors desire to live in such a way that the people for whom they are spiritually
responsible grow spiritually, mentally, and physically. Some priests/pastors abuse other people
Most coaches are in the business of helping others be the best they can be at the sport or the
instrument, or the life that they are playing/living. Some coaches abuse the very people they
are supposed to be supporting.
Most police/law enforcement professionals have chosen to do what they do to help, protect and
serve others. Some times some of them abuse their privilege and responsibilities and in so
doing bring harm to others.
Most Doctors and Nurses deeply desire to keep people healthy in body, mind and spirit. Some
do exactly the opposite.
All of us have specks in our eyes…and so all of us should be careful about correcting someone
else. On the other hand… if we all use the excuse that we all have specks in our eyes…so we
can’t see clearly to assist someone else with their speck… nothing will ever get done…justice will
come too slowly.
One bad apple doesn’t spoil the whole bunch (as the Jackson 5 sang) but it will if left in the
bunch too long. One bad Doctor/Nurse, police, coach, priest/pastor or person does not mean
that everyone in that category is always doing bad things. It does mean that we need to
address the situation immediately and do all we can to prevent any more harm…and to heal the
harm that has been done. There is accountability and there is forgiveness. Both essential.
It is hard work…living in community…living in a society whose foundation is a promise that all
people have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is a dream worth pursuing,
a dream worth living/giving our lives to achieve.
May it be so!
-Rev. Ted Anderson