Falling Short, Grace and Forgiveness
Prelude to conversation…
First of all … watch Just Mercy it is a powerful movie and relates to current events and
today’s thought…
It might be greed, thoughtlessness, or selfishness.
It might be racism, sexism or ageism.
It might be pollution, or the disparity between the incomes of workers at the same company.
It might be lying, stealing, or cheating.
It might be abuse, pride, or hatred.
It might be an unkind word or action, prejudice or bigotry.
It might be injustice, silence or too much noise.
The list goes on and on…
We all fall short of our potential.
We all fall short of the glory which God intends for each of us.
We all make mistakes.
We all sin.
We all do things which hurt others.
We all fall short of the standards of all religions and all nations.
This list goes on and on also…
there is Grace. Amazing… isn’t it?
There is forgiveness.
Grace/forgiveness do not eliminate responsibility. Grace/forgiveness do not take away the
results of our sin. When the water, air or land is polluted…hopefully forgiveness happens… but
all of us live with the ruined water, air and land for generations. It is a deep grief that our
children and theirs will suffer from our polluting things. It is a deep grief that our children,
their children and our whole world suffer from our falling short… from our sin…from our
mistakes. And forgiveness is not a quick fix… it takes time.
Still…forgiveness. When we forgive, we let go of our anger, hurt, resentment and pain …to give
the one who has offended us the respect with which each person ought to be treated. This is
not easy…but holding out, not forgiving, leads to war, anger, injustice and conflict internally and
Each of us has known the touch of forgiveness… the touch of grace in our lives. Let’s share it!
May it be so!
-Rev. Ted Anderson
Don Henley has a great song about forgiveness, “The Heart of the Matter”
Rev. Anderson is a guest blogger and friend of Pastor Hoyt