Looking “Out” – The Hands and Feet of Jesus
As I reflect on what brought me to church once I was out on my own and had a choice about church, I keep coming back to two things. First, the awe I experience each time people worship together and open themselves to the possibility of transformation and deeper belief in the power of God. And second, the opportunity to be (and learn to be better at being) the hands and feet of Jesus in today’s world.
As a church, we are many, and have an incredible responsibility to show the love of God through our service to each other when in need, and to any of the many less fortunate in our community, country and world. The power of one is mighty, with God’s help; but consider the power of 100…
With the Power of 100
- What could UMCL do?
- What could we fix?
- What could we build?
- What could we give?
- Who could we love?
- With whom could we spend time sharing God’s love?
- What could we beautify?
- Who could we teach?
- Who could we encourage?
- To whom could we open the doors of this beautiful sanctuary and gathering place?
- What do we need to do to see ALL the people?
Questions that rattle around in my brain and heart and prayers.
- Could we build a Habitat House? A ramp for a wheelchair bound person to access his/her home?
- Could we give our time to work at Hillside?
- Could we love the elderly people who cannot make it to church any longer?
- Could we tutor and encourage a few children after school?
- Could we assist our neighbors and fellow members with respite care for their challenging children or elderly spouses or high need parents? Could we write notes to our shut-ins, or those hospitalized or in nursing homes, and tell them we are thinking about them?
- Could we rake yards or prepare yards for winter for those in our neighborhood?
- Could we invite the community to Vacation Bible School over winter or spring break?
- Could we raise money to support a mission trip?
I believe that we CAN do any of these things.
My vision for this church is that it will be servant-minded, that we will continue to take care of each other and that we will also look out, and not only in; that we will be a community of believers who will be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Look at the gifts we have.
floral arrangers
computer wizards,
and just plain hard workers.
Together we can be His hands and feet. …
What else could we accomplish together that would show others Christian love?
Peace, Rev. Hoyt W. Brown